Nesting. Like. Crazy.


35 weeks today. Being induced at 39 weeks (Oct 7) and I am nesting like crazy. I’m still working 40hrs a week. Doctor appointment every week now. And I just can’t seem to stop. It isn’t in my blood to do nothing tho. And lucky I have had a really good “typical” pregnancy. So I am able to still do these things. And bless my sweet soul mate. Even tho he worked 60hrs this week and SWORE he wasn’t doing anything today....he still woke up with me and moved all the furniture out of the living room so I could shampoo the carpet. God I love that man. He didn’t complain. Or fuss. He moved the furniture and said “holler at me if you need me”. That’s love right there. Giving into your woman who is 8 months pregnant and and can’t sit still.