
Casady • I’m 27, army wife and dog mom. Lost our first angel baby at 10 weeks, then struggled to conceive for 3 years, then had our rainbow May 2020 and now trying for his little sibling 💗🌈

After 3 years of trying, a miscarriage 2 1/2 years ago, we decided to become foster parents this summer. We have a placement we got 2 weeks ago, a sibling set a 4 year old girl and an 18 month old boy and I felt a little off and something told me to just take a test and I did... and I was shocked so I took a few more! I was only 1 day late from my period which didn’t really seem too out of the ordinary for me. But yep, they’re all positive... but I just feel like my fears are sucking out the excitement. I feel TERRIFIED. I feel like I’m so scared to go to my doctors appointment on Tuesday (they want to see me soon because of my precious miscarriage and because it’s taken awhile to conceive) and I feel like I’m sooo scared for them to tell me bad news. I’ve prayed and prayed for our rainbow baby and I really don’t think my heart can handle any bad news, my heart needs this little baby so badly. Anyone else’s fears start to take over the excitement? 😭🌈