Sharp pains

Tasha • Boy🧒&baby girl on the way👧..a wife & mother💏💑👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Last night i was sleeping until some strange crazy sharp stabbing pains attack me in my waist and under my belly... i nearly cried lol ..i sleep on my side so i switch sides and it was still the same.. so i decided to sit on the bed still the same...then after i said maybe i should just go to the washroom and pee then drink water i went to the washroom and started feeling the pain in my butt and when i got off the toilet and walk back to my bedroom it 36weeks today and this isnt the 1st time im getting this pain..i was wondering if anyone know what it could be or has anyone experience this before?i will mention this to my ob on tuesdays app.