Biting off more than I can chew?


Hi ladies! So I need advice. I’m worried I put more than I can handle on my plate. I’m 31 weeks pregnant with a high risk pregnancy and I just started a new job as an instructional aid working with special needs students at an elementary school. I thought it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but turns out I’m on my feet way more than I thought. I have epilepsy, gestational diabetes, and I’m severely anemic. So pretty much I’m exhausted 24/7. I feel like it wouldn’t be so bad but the commute is an hour there and an hour back. Plus I’m in the process of moving to a new city which will make my commute longer and I go to school full time online. I had to call in today because I’m pretty sure I caught the stomach flu from one of the students I work with which made my weekend miserable. I’m worried I made a mistake by even interviewing for this job let alone take it. I feel 100x more guilty because my mom works at the school as a teacher and I feel like this is gonna make her look bad. I don’t know what to do 😩