Does anyone have nipple discharge on right breast and not pregnant?


F27,I never noticed how my nipples looks till May of this year..I was randomly checking my breast and found one had a crack in it (not inverted )and one normal rounded .so I was just pressing and seeing and found watery discharge coming out of right nipple only.Went to doctor,she said it's normal called as galactorrhea and made me test previous levels were 17,7,21 and recent was 23.26 out of 23.3.She referred me to endo and she said it's normal only nothing to worry and did a breast exam and told me not to stimulate my nipples..But I am going crazy stimulating them everyday for like five times a day ... When I am on birth control I also get these dry white pimples on tip of nipple after 10 days of starting and it goes away..Doc said it's normal too ..I am going crazy ,lost my peace of mind and thinking I am dying and nobody is taking any steps