Here We Go Again *TW*


After a year ttc, I left my partner(mutual decision compounded by my infertility and both our coping issues). As I had already emotionally left him the first time he suggested I move out, I bounced right into a relationship with my best friend. We immediately conceived, but nothing was normal. I had no symptoms AT ALL and my HCG was incredibly abnormal. I ended up having stomach and upper intestine spasm in addition to multiple ovarian cysts on both ovaries measuring 4-8cm. I ended up with a subchorionic hematoma, but baby was going strong. Just 6 days later(7wks on the dot), at my follow up, baby had no heartbeat and yolk sac was abnormal. I was scheduled for a D&C, but miscarried naturally August 7th. We decided to merely not prevent while waiting for my cycle to return.

Now, I am on the tail end of my first AF after my miscarriage, and we're back to fertility meds and trying again. PLEASE let this be our month for a sticky bean!!!!!

As for the stability of our "relationship," we've discussed getting married previously. He's been my best friend and the only person in my life I could ever trust entirely for 8 years. We tried dating a few times, but I was always wanting MORE than he was ready for. It took 8 years, but he moved in with my daughter and myself two weeks ago and we've set a tentative date for Halloween 2020. For a man who never wanted any kids, he took our loss so much harder than I did and we both want one little bean to complete our family!