I’m really struggling


I lost a baby in May at 7 weeks after trying to get pregnant for 3 years. We found out a few days ago that I’m pregnant again!

I’m About 5 weeks according to this app.

I’m really struggling. I can’t allow myself to be happy and excited. Losing our baby in May was such a shock and so hard to deal with emotionally and physically for both of us. I hid away from everyone for weeks because I just couldn’t cope with the way I knew people would look at me. With pity and sadness. I just didn’t want to share my grief.

Now I’m pregnant and I can’t believe it. We decided this time not to tell anyone, not until we know this baby will be ok. I’m so scared to be happy because the pain of losing a baby it’s just devastating.

I’ve just been to the toilet and there were very slight brownish marks on the tissue. It was only there on one wipe and since there’s been nothing. Implantation bleeding?

Please pray for my baby. I need some positive powers from ladies that really know how hard this whole process is 🙏🏻✨