Finally had our first dance ❤ and my boy, so smart! ☺

Jess • Wife in 2019💍🤵👰. Mum to 13y - 💙 , 1yr - 💜 Stepmum 15y & 21y 💙💙 expecting No.5 😆 Nov '22 💚🤰

Married the love of my life July 4th, in Las Vegas. No family, just us.

Finally had our home wedding party, back in the uk.

And finally got our first dance ❤ Neither of us wanted to do it!

I hate being in the spotlight. But our friends said we had too! And I'm sooo glad we did!!

Had a smart casual dress code, although we wore our Vegas outfits.

Look how my boy insisted on dressing (his step brothers old suit...)

These are his "modelling poses" 😂❤🤭

He adores his Step-dad and we're both so lucky to have him ❤

Now... fingers crossed this little man (and his stepbrothers) soon get a younger sibling 🤞🙏🤭

TTC 8months!