I just need to rant😔


I’m not really looking for an answer, more so just people to relate to I guess.

So this is what’s been happening lately. First, my best friend has a new boyfriend and she’s constantly stuck up his ass. She doesn’t want to go no where with me anymore because she’s always with him. My other friend, who’s constantly saying she misses me, finally made plans again and then when the day came it’s like I didn’t exist all of a sudden. And finally, the girl I’ve been talking to (I’m lesbian, and we were together before but had stopped talking, its a long story) it feels she only talks to me when it’s convenient for her. We went to the movies the other night and things were great but even before that she’s very dry in conversation and now has been leaving me on read for long periods of time, but I had left her on read the other day and she had an issue with it. She even watched my story. So moral of the rant is, I’m tired of not being important enough for people. It’s like everyone is dissing me. Feel like just keeping my circle small and leaving it like that. Ik you’re probably thinking I need new friends, but I’m very introverted and for right now just kinda want to stay to myself.

Rant over.