Y’all got in my head 😂

MountainMist • Mountain life!

I’ll start this with I have a seven month old son, and no man... I would LOVE to have more babies, but now is definitely not the most opportune time!

I think y’all ladies have really gotten in my head, posting all the signs the universe sends you! From eggs to peppers to rainbows and the like, I’ve been having some major baby fever lately! Especially about twins. Omg, I would absolutely adore giving my son some twin siblings.

I had a weird feeling before I cut into this pepper tonight. “Huh. I wonder if this pepper has a little one inside it. That’s crazy though.”

So I cut into it. Obviously there was somehow a little baby pepper in it. 😂 And I cut it in half opening the pepper!! TWO LITTLE BABY PEPPERS.

When the right time comes, wish me some twin luck! ☺️ Best of luck and all the baby dust to anybody hoping for a positive now!!! 💙✨