Baby Eli born at 34 weeks exactly! 🥰


Yes, this will be a pretty long post of course lol!!

On Wednesday Sept. 4th 2019 I started feeling back pain along with some abdominal cramps while I was at work. It was around 9pm so I decided to just relax until my 2-10 shift was over and then I’d try my best to sleep it out. The pain wasn’t unbearable but it definitely had me feeling uncomfortable all night so I didn’t get much rest. Thursday morning comes around and I decide to call my midwife just in case, although I literally almost didn’t since the pain was very moderate. My midwife answers and I describe my pain to her but instead of focusing on that, she asks about any discharge I may be having. I nonchalantly tell her “yeah, I’ve had some watery discharge I guess.” And she responds with “what do you mean watery? How much?” I say “well, exactly like water... I guess that’s the only way to put it. Ehh, it’s been enough to dampen my panties. It slowly dispenses so my panties kind of stay wet throughout the day.” She immediately insisted that I go into the L&D to be checked since it could be that my water ruptured. My SO and I get dressed as if we’re going to work since we both work together and didn’t think it would be a big deal. We arrive to L&D and they swab my area to go run some test- surely, my water has ruptured. At this point I’m 33w3d and in complete shock. I just look at the nurse and say “ok so does this mean I have to get induced today?” And she says “No no, we have to run a couple of more tests on you but you’re not going home, honey. We’re going to put you into a gown and have to keep you here for a couple of days until you’re 34 weeks.” Now I’m beyond scared. I look at my SO and just hold his hand because I’ve never had to stay overnight at a hospital so this is all new to me. SO calls our job to let them know what’s going on while we get transferred to a delivery room and start to get situated. I get hooked up to an IV for antibiotics to avoid infection, a monitor for baby’s heartbeat, blood pressure cuff, and leg compressors. The nurse comes in and provides me with an ultrasound as well to make sure I’m measuring 33w3d which I was. Then, they had to insert a catheter to run a 24 hr urine exam for preeclampsia- THIS was the worst. Finally all tests come out negative. I’ve had a normal pregnancy thus far besides the rupture, weird! The game plan now is to wait until I’m 34 weeks and get induced. It’s 12:00am, barley Monday morning (09/09/2019) and this is now my 34 week mark. I was 0cm dilated and about to get started on an oral pill for induction. I sleep just fine with minimal contractions and then wake back up at 4am for a second dose. I continue to sleep until around 7:30am while still experiencing very minimal contractions. I get checked, I’m not 2cm dilated!! Hey, that’s something. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Now I’m about to get started on pitocin so I ask for an epidural because I’ve heard how crazy this thing is and I’m over being at a hospital, I don’t want to feel any more pain!! The epidural was genuinely not as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it did sting. After this though, I get checked around 4pm and I’m at 4cm. Then at 6pm, I’m at 10cm! Time to start practice pushing. I push for about an hour and a half, and then here comes baby Eli! 😭🥰🥰 I genuinely felt no pain at all, pushing was my absolute favorite part to be honest! It was just such a relief to have my baby in my arms. It’s now been a day since having him and since he’s a 34weeker he has to stay in nicu for a week but there’s absolutely no health complications with him this far which is such a blessing. Also, he weighed 6lbs 9oz!!! That’s so so rare for his gestational age, such a big boy!! The nurses asked me if I maybe got my due date mixed up but nope, I’ve had 4 *different* ultrasound techs do my ultrasound and they’ve all said he was measuring his exact due date ever since he was 9 weeks.

So yeah, this is baby Elias Alexander Viser. ❤️❤️ Were so blessed to get an extra 6 weeks with him. 😭🥰🥰