Sex and lack of it.. bf left me and im pregnant


I been waiting months and months for my partner to get his sex drive back.. we had sex 4 times since xmas and he finds every excuse not to. I confronted him once again sunday and he said f this shit im done and walked out on his 16 month old daughter and me . Im 9 weeks pregnant. What piece of shit walks out on his pregnant gf rather than tackle his lack of drive. Now facing being single mom and doing this pregnancy alone and terryfied. Dont think i can raise 2 kids alone. Financially it hard as it is. I have no friends and no family local. I dont agree with termination but dont want to struggle. Want my kids to have the best. So alone and dont know what to do.

Im of the thinking now hes made his bed he can lie in it. Unless he seeks proffessional help about his libido im not intrested. Likely hood he wont contact me anyway.