U/S pic: 6w5d measuring 6 weeks! 💗

Jessica • Married 💑 9/14/13. Son born 🧒 3/30/17. Molar pregnancy 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6/2018. Expecting a girl 👧 4/30/20!

Praise God! Couldn’t find the fetal pole with the regular ultrasound and our hearts sank. Having suffered a molar pregnancy last year we haven’t allowed ourselves to feel too confident. All she saw was a gestational sac and a yolk, saying the yolk was a good sign, but I knew there should be a fetal pole and heartbeat; my husband and I squeezed hands, making long looks at each other as I closed my eyes. Got myself cleaned up, peed, and tried a transvaginal ultrasound...tech said “oh! There it is! It’s tiny...and a flicker!” I started bawling at flicker...a heartbeat! Looked over at my husband and he was tearing up too. My eyes were filled with tears and wonder seeing that flicker for myself. We know we’re not in the clear yet, miscarriage is always a possibility this early, but today feels like a good day following so much darkness. ⛈🌤☀️🌈 Due date 5/1, but maybe more like 5/6?? How am I supposed to go back to work today?! Lol.