iyona • Mother of 1. Jonathan Adrian💕

So my doctor is trying to make me have a c section. Due to how big my baby is growing. At 35 weeks he was 7lb 4oz. My doctor said right then if he was born he wouldnt have to stay in NICU long as his lungs looked developed. There is no health risk to the baby. Meanwhile, i cant eat or keeo fluids down. He has put a rib out of place. When i was 36 weeks (Last Thursday) i weighed 267, when the WIC office weighed me Monday i was 252!!. I have been steadily declining since 33 weeks. My doctor won't take it seriously. He won't consider inducing either. My asthma has gotten worse because he hasn't dropped and is big pushing on my lungs. Im now 37 weeks and i dont think i can do it. My aunt used this doctor and he made her have a c section with her first and did her other 2 that way. He gets paid an extra $15,000 for c sections. What do you think i need to do? Its too late to switch. I tried a midwife place but he wont transfer my paperwork..