I need to have a baby

Today I was told that I need to have a baby.

It was a random Facebook message that I received from a distant family member on my husband’s side.

It hurt.

It hurt a lot.

I knew where the comment came from because both of my husbands little sisters had their first babies a month apart recently.

So it felt like dipping my wounds in lemon juice.

Today I was told that I need to have a baby.

Something I tell my husband often.

I need and want for a baby everyday.

I’ve learned everything I could get my hands on about fertility and charting.


But I was told by someone I barely know that I need to have a baby and that I needed to get an ovulation test kit to check when the perfect time to make said baby.

I was told I need to have a baby.

I’ve been trying to have a baby since I had my first miscarriage in March of 2018.

I will have my baby,

When the stars align,

When my husband isn’t on deployment,

I will have my baby.
