Breastfeeding and pregnant

Anyone else? Just had a positive pregnancy test which I took partly because my milk supply plummeted in one day. I don’t know why (hormones...again???) but I’m feeling so emotional about this situation. I’m not ready to wean my little girl, and even though she just turned a year old she definitely isn’t ready, but I’m already so so tired- not sleeping through the night- and first trimester fatigue is right around the corner. I want a sibling for her but I just don’t know if and how I can do it all. I think I already resent this new potential baby for robbing me of time with my daughter in the future. I work and I already have too little time with my daughter and husband, not to mention myself. Just wondering whether anyone can relate and how people are coping (or have done so in the past in a similar situation). The thought of weaning my daughter is making me want to cry.