Kid’s Shoes


I’m probably the only person alive who has a toddler and didn’t know about this. But, just in case I’m not...

I ordered some shoes for my son in the next size up but from a company I’ve never got kid’s shoes from before. And we all know how different companies sizes can vary! Anyways, I always struggle making sure we get the right fit because squeezing a shoe that’s on the foot of a toddler can be a task.

I pull the new shoes out and they look huge! Then I see this little tag on them 🤯

You take the insole out and there is an easy measure guide to see if these shoes will fit. Just put their foot on it. So freaking easy!!

All I could thing is more companies should do that for kids shoes (in case you’re buying online or the store doesn’t have something to measure their foot with).

Well wouldn’t you fucking know it, I check another pair that he fits right now and they have lines too!! My brain hurts and I’m so happy that puma put this little tag on the shoes to save me some sanity! Hope this helps at least one other person haha