Boyfriends Car

For a while now I was the only one in my relationship who had a car because we are seniors in high school so not everyone has a car. So I was driving my boyfriend around all the time. He just recently got a car and when he told me it was like a drop in my stomach. It's not that I wasn't excited for him, because I have been waiting for that moment for so long, I don't understand why i'm still stuck on it. When he didn't have a car he was always with me, rarely at home, only me and work. Now, he can go wherever with whoever. I guess its more so I feel like a mother who realizes her daughter has grown up and might not want to be around you all the time anymore. I don't care where he goes or what he does with who, because I trust him but now i'll feel like a mom who was just dumped by her daughter lol. Is it wrong that I feel like this? He makes me feel loved and i've never gotten that feeling with someone i've dated.