Need advice!!


So I was exclusively breast feeding at first, then at about 2 weeks pp I started pumping bc I knew I would have to go back to work eventually and needed a stash. Well I’d say that I have an “ok” stash, but am always looking for ways to increase my supply. What I need advice on the most is exclusively pumping. My LO is struggling to breast feed, we have had so many appointments and are seeing a specialist late September, they think it’s a swallowing issue or something physically impeding her. But I will likely have to switch to only pumping and doing bottles. She is 3 months old and eats around 4oz 5-6 times a day. Do you just pump as often as you feed? How long do you pump for if you didn’t breast feed from the breast first? My biggest fear is not being able to pump enough to maintain my supply to provide for her AND continue to stash. TIA!!