Nervous for first college hook up..

So I just started college a couple weeks ago. For a couple months now, I’ve been single. I left a 5 year relationship that was extremely toxic and emotionally and verbally abusive. It was so hard and it took everything in me to walk away. I’m still not over my ex, as he still comes back every few weeks to ask me to get back together with him. He’s been my only real boyfriend and i lost my virginity to him. The last time I had sex with him (or in general) was about 9 months ago.. it’s been so long that as much as I crave doing it, ive been too afraid and have let every single opportunity pass me by. But recently, A SEXY ASS MAN that goes to my school slid in my DMs. And of course, he’s interested in hooking up. He even lives on campus at my school so it’s quite easy to get away with it.. I agreed to go through with it, because I think it would do me some good to try it with someone new and hopefully it’ll also help me let go of the attachment I have to my ex simply because I lost it to him. Plus, this guy is sooooo hot that I can’t pass on him!😂 but I’m extremely nervous. He told me to go to his dorm on Monday, which is only two days from now and I’m already shaking! I’m afraid I won’t please him enough or that it’ll just be straight up awkward since we’re strangers. But I definitely want to go through with it.. any advice on how to just have fun and not worry about it too much? I can’t stop thinking what if my body won’t be nice enough for him or I’ll just not be good enough in bed. He is so attractive so I’m sure he’s hooked up with plenty of hot girls and it’s scary to think i might not be as good as them. Plus, he also said “I hope you’re fun” which made me even moreeee nervous, cause now idk what I need to do to be “fun”... Help please! I really want to have fun again, it’s been so long. And I’m so horny 🤣🤣🤣 any tips on how to make sure it all goes smoothly and how to please him, also how do I shake these nerves off and prepare?