Is my Boyfriend toxic?


So I recently got into a relationship, and at first I was head over heals for the guy, but now I’m wondering if he might be toxic.

1. Things are moving very quickly. I only met the guy about 2 weeks ago through a mutual friend. He gave me is Snapchat the first day and that night we spent 4 hours talking. Two days later it was a Sunday and we spent the whole day together. The day after that he asked me to be his girlfriend. The day after that he told everyone at school that we were dating and I met his parents.

2. He takes up a lot of my time. We spend about 3 hours together every day during and after school. I’m having trouble keeping up with homework because I spend all of my free time with him. Even when we aren’t together he is constantly texting me, and if I turn my phone off to do other things he gets super upset.

3. He is constantly telling me about how deviated he would be if I ever left him. Like if I turn my phone off to do something and don’t text him for a while, when I turn my phone back on I will have paragraph after paragraph about how depressed he is and begging me not to leave him.

4. He is constantly talking about his ex and how terrible she is. But through a little bit of digging on his social media I found out that they used to be very close. Also I can’t help but wonder if he would talk about me that way if we ever broke up.

5. I feel more like a trophy than a girlfriend. He is constantly posting things about me or photos of me to his social media without asking me first. To put this into context I have posted one thing about him and two photos of us together on my social media. He has posted 12 things about me and 23 photos of just me to his social media. I would be flattered but the scale is a little creepy. Any and every photo I send to him goes on his Snapchat story. Also when walking around school he is constantly holding my hand, hugging me, or giving me a peck on the cheek. Every time we leave or enter each other’s presents we have to hug. I’m not sure if I’m over reacting. What do you guys think?