pregnancy possibility??

ive been on the pill for just over a year now. over the summer, i switched pills from brand to generic but was told they should be the same.

last month, i spent a friday night in the city and forgot my pills at home so i didn’t take it on saturday morning (took it saturday evening when i returned home). that was the last active pill of the pack & i then started the placebo week the following morning.

normally i get my period on tuesday of the placebo week but i happened to start spotting the Friday night that i was out & then my period actually started on Sunday morning— two days earlier than my normal start time.

i figured that because the pill might be slightly different, that would account for the slight change.

however, that Friday night, i hooked up with a guy that i worked with all summer — everything but penetration.

this morning, i just started the placebo pill week for this month. i haven’t gotten my period yet today (normally tuesday, but last time i spotted friday and got it sunday).

idk if it could just be because I’ve been really anxious and stressed this month, or if its just gonna come on tuesday like it normally would, or if i should start to worry about a possible pregnancy?

please just give me your thoughts