
So my boyfriend (baby daddy) thinks I don’t know when he lies but like.. I’m not dumb at all and when I call him out on it he admits it. The only thing is he does it all the time. Its not over anything major like cheating(I hope) or whatever but still... whats the use of lying over something stupid🤥 🤔 he’s been trying to quit vaping - since I’m pregnant I told him id rather him not do it around me when he does do it and he decided he’d just stop all together. Well today I was laying on my side facing away from him and Ig he thought I was asleep or something but he literally had to dig it out of a hiding spot and laid down next to me and started hitting it. Something brought it up later on tonight and he said he ain’t hit it at all today and I said I thought he did when he thought I was asleep and he was like ohh you know about that 😑 and I don’t wanna be the girl that tells her guy who to and who not to talk to.. but I have this one girl that changes that. Just one girl. His ex. She almost broke us up twice. Back in June he told me he don’t talk to her and how much he hates her.. I found texts on his phone where she asked if he missed her and he was like idk I guess. They had full convos too and I personally wouldnt have convos like they did with someone I hated..Well we almost broke up then and he started crying and I stayed because he promised me he wouldn’t lie to me about her or talk to her again and he blocked her on everything and I was like yeah ok 👍🏻 . Two weeks ago I found out he unblocked her on Instagram and had some more full ass convos about how upset he is and how depressed he’s been since they broke up.. I told him that this baby ain’t gonna keep me with his stupid ass and he needs to get his sh*t together. He never talked to me and it hurt because I’m his girlfriend. I take promises very seriously. The fact that he wouldn’t tell me he was upset but would tell her broke my heart. I tried to leave him that night too and I told him he broke my trust and he started crying again. Those two times and one other tome is the only times I’ve seen him cry and we’ve been together for 9 months.. i gave him his last chance. I told him that this is his last chance before I do go. I love him. I’m just drained. His bff claims I have a demon in me and told my boyfriend that he needs to do an excercism (I’m sorry I can’t spell that well) and that my boyfriend needs to act more Godly, like the bff. I was like wow because MY BOYFRIEND AGREED!! Ever since the last time I tried to leave him though I told him how I felt about everything even his bff and how he didn’t even bother taking up for me and now we talk about everything. I feel like it’s really hard for me to trust him though. I love him with all my heart, like I said.. but he shouldn’t hurt me the way he does even if hes not meaning to.. I hope this made since to y’all. I don’t really know what to do about it. I’ll take all the advice I can get.