Boy Troubles


So there are two boys. A and B. I have known A for 4 years. We met when we were both in high school and are now at college together. We’ve been best friends since we met and love each other so much. But he’s always had a girlfriend so it was more of a friend love with a little extra.

I met B a few weeks ago. We met at a club and got to see each other for a little bit here and there. He’s cute and I was super interested in getting to know him.

Here’s where the problem starts.

The first week of this month, B invited me to a party that Saturday, and I was really excited to go and talk to him. On Thursday, I went to a small party with A and some friends. Afterward, A and I made out a bit which got me confused. Then at the Saturday party, B was talking to me and I had a nice time talking to him, but I was also thinking about A. A ended up coming to that party too and made out with another girl and flirted with a different one.

The next day, A and I talked and he said he’s not looking for a relationship. He just wants to have fun and wanted me to keep talking to B. We agreed to not kiss again.

Then last Saturday, there was another party and A couldn’t keep his hands off me. He was really drunk, but he kept grabbing my butt, and he tried to kiss me. (Because he’s my really good friend, it wasn’t a huge issue and it was kinda fun. I know it sounds bad but we really have the closest relationship to each other.) B was really excited to talk to me and I think he actually really likes me.

So I’m still talking to B trying to see where it’ll go but A is also a good friend of mine so I don’t know what to do about that.

I’m just having trouble because I’ve known A for so long and we’re so comfortable with each other, I want to give B a fair shot because I am starting to like him but I don’t know. Please let me know your thoughts🙏