Rant! Life sucks atm

My year 12 formal is next week and I no longer have a dress. The one i brought was too big and came with a broken zipper so I had to send it back. I have just been informed today that my refund will not be processed until the dress reaches the store and even then it could take an extra 48 hours. I spent everything I had on that dress and now I don’t have the money to buy a new one and my refund won’t come in till after formal. Tickets were expensive too and non refundable/can’t be transferred so now I have tickets to an event I cannot even attend.

Unrelated to dress but I feel like it’s a good thing I can’t go, even know I was looking forward to it.. too many people were judgemental that I was only taking my mum (parents are split - no relationship with my father) as it isn’t so common in my town

(Ps. I live in rural town so had to outsource)