Miscarriage genetic results


I had a silent miscarriage this past July. After hearing a heartbeat at 6 weeks baby never made it past 6-7 weeks and had no heartbeat at my 8 week checkup. I ended up with a DC right around 10 weeks.

I have 2 healthy kids and this was my first miscarriage so I opted to have genetic testing. I’m 37 and I was worried the whole pregnancy unlike with my previous 2.

Got my results today and baby had trisomy 12. Doctor says the results were incompatible with life.

I somehow feel relief and dread at the same time. I’m happy that this was an early miscarriage because this trisomy seldom results in a live birth and when it does the symptoms can be devastating. I’m planning to TTC now and I’m dreading another miscarriage or genetic issue.

Anyone in the same boat?