Miscarriage genetic results


I had a silent miscarriage this past July. After hearing a heartbeat at 6 weeks baby never made it past 6-7 weeks and had no heartbeat at my 8 week checkup. I ended up with a DC right around 10 weeks.

I have 2 healthy kids and this was my first miscarriage so I opted to have genetic testing. I’m 37 and I was worried the whole pregnancy unlike with my previous 2.

Got my results today and baby had trisomy 12. Doctor says the results were incompatible with life.

I somehow feel relief and dread at the same time. I’m happy that this was an early miscarriage because this trisomy seldom results in a live birth and when it does the symptoms can be devastating. I’m planning to TTC now and I’m dreading another miscarriage or genetic issue.

Anyone in the same boat?

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Posted at
I had my second miscarriage in July and we had it tested. Ours came back with trisomy 17. This past weekend I was ovulating so now I am in the TWW hell. Since it was my second consecutive miscarriage and I am 36 we saw a genetic counselor and a RE. All of our other test came back ok and they are saying this was probably just bad luck for us. My OB had to refer me to the two specialist we saw so maybe you can get a referral and have some more test done to ease your mind. I am praying that this past weekend results in a healthy last pregnancy for us but I know I will be terrified at the same time since the last two ended in miscarriage.


Regina • Sep 17, 2019
Hoping it’s just a fluke! But for us old ladies over 35 our chances of chromosomal abnormalities are higher. So hopefully it’s just age!


Posted at
I'm in a similar boat. I had a chemical July 2018 and a mmc July 2019, each after IVF. My doctor didn't encourage us to have PGS testing because we'd already had our genetic workup prior to IVF and aren't carriers for anything, plus we'd be paying $5k out of pocket for the tests and he said pgs normal doesn't guarantee a successful pregnancy, so it's a tough call financially. Plus we only had 3 embryos we could have tested so he said it wasn't cost effective. It leaves me feeling so helpless bc I'm 40 and I know the statistics. We have a FET scheduled for October and instead of being excited to have another shot I'm so afraid of having another mc.


Posted at
I have one healthy almost 3 year old. Had a missed misscarriage at 15 weeks.. had a d and e . His results came back normal 💔💔. For this reason I am having genetic testing on the 23rd. Still waiting for my period


Posted at
I’m 37 and have a beautiful and healthy 4 yo daughter. I had a silent miscarriage last month at 8 weeks (discovered at 11w) and had a d&c the same day. We decided not to test as it was my first miscarriage. I got my period and waiting for my fertile window as we are ttc again but I’m scared and nervous at the same time. I’m not sure if my husband and I need to do some tests