Lying Husband


Me and my husband have been together for going on 6 years. Married only 6 months. Throughout our relationship he has lied about stupid things. For instance today his grandma passed away. He went to the funeral home with his family to make arrangements so I stayed home with our 18 month old son (im also 9 months pregnant). He texted me saying they were still there and going to see where she will be buried. I said okay babe. Well he was actually at Walmart with his cousins and lied to me saying he was still at the funeral home. I don’t understand why you would lie about that? It hurts my feelings so much that he lies constantly about little things like that. He knows how I feel about it we have had a conversation recently about no more lying about little stuff. And then he does this. I’m just so hurt. He says it’s because he doesn’t want to make me mad but I’m mad that he lies. I wouldn’t care if he went to Walmart with his cousins so I just don’t get it? Any advice??