Feeling depressed 😭


I am in a financial position currently on maternity leave and my maternity pay is less then my average work wages it’s not enough to pay my bills and mortgage, my fiancée can’t support both of us as he pays extra bills then me! I want to go back to work next year in April but I am unable as all my close relatives work full time so I am forced to pay out for childcare out my own wages which will leave me and my fiancée with nothing to live on for the month, can’t get any government support with childcare costs as apparently our income is enough to pay for childcare! And if I don’t go back to work I get nothing only my fiancées income as I say isn’t enough to support us along with 2 kids and 2 mouths to feed! This government system is disgusting it’s people that want to work for what they earn to get penalised that end up on the street! Can’t get council house as government thinks our income too high! No room at my parents house! What we meant to do if we can’t afford to pay for this house live on the street!? Please give me your opinions! will be appreciated as I don’t know anyone in my position right now!