Induced/ c section. My Twin birth 🌸

Zoe • Twin Muma To My Beautiful Babies 💖🦋

After thinking I could never carry babies, two misscarriages and then finding out I’m having twins...

sorry it’s late but here it is.

Every night during my pregnancy I read every single one of these birth stories imagining what mine would be like, so here goes....

Ok. So at 36+6 I had my twin girls, 4lb 10 & 4lb12 on my birthday 29/06/2019 🐣🐣

The day before I got induced with the pessary inserted as both girls were head down and there wasn’t much fluid around them, I was also very anaemic and needed 4 blood transfusions before delivery. I had back to back contractions for what felt like forever !! 😖 it was such a hot day aswell and I really actually couldn’t cope.. 8 hours later and I was in agony begging to be checked. I got checked and got told ‘my cervix still wasn’t viable and could take two days before they would arrive and in this pain I told them to take it out. It was too much. 😭

I slept off the contractions and had doctors out to me in the morning to tell me I was having a c section as the girls needed to come out. So on my birthday I got wisked down to theatre. I was so nervous but also so excited.

As I was laying on the table my partner was sat by me and I looked over to him already crying.. I was so concerned for him I completely didn’t even think about the c section going on.

They dropped the curtain to see my tiny little twin 1 covered in vernix screaming. Was the best feeling in the world, honestly you can never explain the emotions that run through you. 1 Minuite later twin 2 was born and I was in cloud nine.

As my partner went to cut the cord, I started to be sick and was the weirdest feeling ever, I could hear the surgeon shouting ‘is the patient vomiting.. I got pumped with more drugs and could hardly remember anything after that.

Few hours in recovery and another two blood transfusions later I got to hold my two tiny little babies. They had no time in special care or anything. The first few night were so hard as I was unable to move and felt useless.

No one ever told me how bad baby blues can be too. I literally cried at everything and anything.

Fast forward to now and my babies are 12 weeks on Saturday and both are 9lb and are the best things that have ever happened to me..

Me and my partner both have green eyes and one of our twins has blue eyes? Never thought we would have a blue eyed baby. Anyway..

here are some photos xx

Just born-

My sisters first visit meeting the girls.

This is them now 😍

Me and twin 1

Twin 2

If you’ve got this far, thanks for reading xxxx