Filing for full custody.

I met my children’s father when I was 13. My parents abandoned me and his mom took me in. By 14 I was pregnant. I was being beaten, cheated on, and mentally/verbally abused. He was 18. By 19 I was broken and pregnant again. I wasn’t allowed to work. I wasn’t allowed contact with my family. And I wasn’t allowed to have friends over is he wasn’t in the house. By 23 I was pregnant again. Im birth control resistant 🤦🏽‍♀️ and stupid as fuck apparently. I found out he was cheating on me with my best friend.. the one who wasn’t allowed over unless he was there 🙄. I confronted him and was beaten, i was pregnant he punched me in the stomach and I miscarried one of my twins. Our boys got older, he started to make my 3 and 7 year old sons squat in the hallway for 20 minutes. I cant even wall squat for that long. Watching my sons scream and cry was heartbreaking but I couldn’t do anything about it. I had my 4 month old baby, he denied that she was his and threaded all of us if I tried to stop him. Both of my sons ended up peeing their pants against the wall. He beat them and made me clean the pee. That was the final straw. I started to plan our escape.. the next weekend we celebrated my sons birthday. I had a sleepover with my 2 nieces and all of my kids. I woke up in the middle of the night and found this piece of shit laying on the floor naked, sleeping and jacking off. He was so coked out of his mind he didn’t even realize what was going on. I left him. I got my kids and ran away when he left to work.. we were homeless for years. It’s been 5 years. A long struggle. We finally got our own house last year 🙌🏽.. I’ve fought for custody but was also living in fear. We’ve had split custody since then. He’s always threatened to beat me, he’s broken into my car, shattered my windows at home, stalked me, and used my kids to as ammo. I suffer from PTSD, OCD, depression but I woke up yesterday to him trying to manipulate my teenager. I’m in a relationship with an amazing man, we’re expecting a baby in December. My X is trying to turn my children against me. Keep them from going to school. He fights for more custody so he doesn’t have to pay child support. He’d rather get the kids knowing he can’t give them rides to and from school, because of work.. just to keep them home from school so he can evade paying child support. He’s Just all around manipulative to all of us. I am so fucking done with this low life!!

I’m on my way to file for full custody. I’ve never been so worried but excited and anxious all at the same time. I want a restraining order along with full custody. Please wish me luck you guys. Please send me positive energy. I don’t want this man to corrupt my children anymore. I’ve been stupid for long enough. I cant live in fear anymore.