Just need to vent ...sorry so long

AC • ?

So, my fiancé and I have been trying for maybe 6 months. We have a four year old and I got pregnant with her quickly. The past three months, I have dreaded getting my period. Of course, I’d be sad...angry...ready to cry but I kept it moving. People would make comments and I’d put on a show and say...”whew, glad I got my period.” It’s all a lie. I just feel like I’m getting too old and I know risks are greater the older you get. I’m only 32 but still.

Well, this past month as been horrible for me. I started my period August 1-5. This was normal. Thennnnn...I decided to take a turn. August 30 to now I have been bleeding off and on. Not even heavy with clots (sorry TMI) like I usually have. All day would just be on pad. Anyway. I’m so upset. I broke down a couple days ago to him. I cried and cried and asked him if he’d still love me if I couldn’t have anymore kids. Of course, he told me I’m thinking negative and to always think positive (I always say that to him). He said, let’s not think of it like that. Something in my body is saying I can’t and that’s why I’m not pregnant.

I just needed to vent to someone who would understand my pain and not just say, “oh well maybe your stressed...etc”.

Sorry for the long post.