Marriage scares him but he may just be coming around to the idea...

Little bit of a backstory, me and my partner have been together 4 years, I’m now 22 and he is 27 next month which is a good thing because our maturity levels are similar since I’m more mature for my age and him not so much lol. We have our own place and in my opinion a very healthy relationship. We haven’t ever had a big argument, we never scream or shout at each other and it’s so different from relationships I’ve been around growing up. Whenever we are getting angry at each other we both walk away from it do our own thing and then talk it out later when we are both calm. I’ve never been so comfortable around someone, my heart still skips a beat when I see him. However if it were up to me, we would be married and starting a family. To him this is something he usually doesn’t enjoy talking about, he wants marriage and kids but not for a VERY long time. Although we are going through a bit of a “scare” right now so I guess we’ll see how this turns out! Every time I’ve brought up marriage he says I’m pressuring him (I don’t bring it up a lot) but last night I went to bed early and he came in beside me which slightly woke me up but he didn’t realise and he cuddled into me thinking I was sleeping and spoke softly into my ear “I love you so much, you are the most important thing to me. Like seriously you are all I need” he used a really serious loving voice like he truly meant every word from the bottom of his heart and then he turned around and went to sleep. My heart MELTED. It is my day off today so when he was leaving for work he woke me up to say goodbye and I was still half asleep, he was making jokes like “are you going to tidy today?” (I can be a slob but I really want to get our place spotless today since it’s my only day off) and then he says “are you going to prove to me that you are wife material?” This is all jokes, he’s not an ass lol I sleepily nod really fast and we both laugh. It’s the first time he has ever brought up us ever being married by himself. Idk it might seem like nothing but it’s a milestone to me 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 sorry this is long but I just wanted to ramble about this to anyone who wants to listen also comments from you girls who have or are experiencing the same thing of wanting to get married and start a family but your S/O isn’t quite there yet. I’m waiting on mine to be there, he’s worth it 🥰