UOFATED::::MY WORK DIDNT PAY I need advice!!!

Update! ⚠️⚠️⚠️ I finally got paid FRIDAY!!! 😡 and now they messed up this paycheck I usually get paid around $550-$600 for 2 weeks......it’s freaking $101!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like how do they expect us to stick around for this crap!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m finding a new job! And where is our union!?

I work and there was some glitch and nobody got paid worldwide on this past Friday like we were supposed to. Well they then told us we would be paid Monday then pushed it to Wednesday. Come to Wednesday and everybody else got paid EXCEPT ME! I was so mad. I know HR has my hours as I personally sent them my hours because they called and asked me for them. I called HR 4 times yesterday(Wednesday) they kept telling me they are waiting on an email from headquarters.(instead of waiting on an email just call them 🙄) so I asked again when am I getting paid she said “I’m not sure it’s weird that everybody else got paid and you didn’t your hours somehow got lost. We aren’t sure when your getting paid now.” Like what would you do!? I’ve been showing up to work everyday even though we didn’t get paid and the ones who were calling off because they didn’t get paid got paid? They also sent me a letter saying if my insurance premiums aren’t paid 2 of them $180 that they didn’t take out of the 2 checks they didn’t pay me one in July and this one that my my medical insurance will be cancelled.......BUT THEY DIDNT PAY ME.! Irate doesn’t even describe how mad I am. I posted anonymously just in case anyone I work with sees this.

I’m open to any advice I’m super confused as to what’s going on and extremely extremely mad.