My moms trying to make me feel guilty about my relationship

Alicia • 22• Michigan

Today is me and my boyfriends one month. We met on bumble, and I know a lot of guys on there aren’t genuine. We are kinda taking the relationship medium paced.

I introduced my mom to him on our second date (she thought it was our first. We went on our first date when she was at work and I knew she’d be mad so yes I did lie about that but she’s got no idea) even though usually you don’t meet the parents for a bit in relationships. She was even giving me shit then. I also had to tell her I met him through a friend because she would completely be pissed off if she knew I had a dating app, even tho she’s on them too. My moms a very unreasonable person. For background info I’m 18 and so is he. I’m not a Virgin although she thinks I am because I never told her, it’s not something I feel I can talk to her about. The day after she met him he invited me to a lions game (Detroit) with him and his friend. My mom blew up on me and made me give her my boyfriends phone number in order to let me go out. That made me extremely uncomfortable and even though I understand I had only met him not long ago but I trusted him enough to know he wasn’t going to drug me or rape me. She screamed at me about how they could do both of those things. And she didn’t like how it was in Detroit. Now I can understand that cuz Detroit is dangerous. But I’m not an idiot I know how to dial 911 and I’d be with 2 people who would protect me. We’ve been on several more dates (clearly) where he comes and picks me up and takes me places cuz I can’t drive yet. Like 2 weeks ago she said I was going to give myself a reputation if I slept with him and saying how if I sleep with him I sleep with every girl he’s slept with (he’s only slept with 2 girls). She even looked him up on Facebook and messaged his mom which upsets me. The other day him and I were on a date and he got his car stuck in a ditch (he parked there cus he had before but it was wet this time). While trying to get out he broke his exhaust. His house was like 2 miles away, it was like 10 pm and my mom works at 10:30 pm so I told her I might have to spend the night and we can fix his exhaust in the morning enough so that it’d be safe to drive me home.

Guys I get that I’m young, but I’m also 18 now and I’ve been with him for a month now and I feel I can spend the night with him which I already have without her knowing.

She called me screaming and saying it wasn’t ok and that I was feeding the fire and all this stuff. She even said she’d call the police and send them there.

Yesterday she said “go ahead and spend the night with him and fuck him and he will leave you and you’ll be left with diseases and probably a kid”

It’s really making me mad. I have to hide so much from her because she acts like this. I don’t care if she’s trying to make sure I’m safe. I’m not and never was in danger. Even if I wasn’t 18 I have a right to privacy in my relationship. I should be allowed to spend the night with him when I want and go out on dates without her getting all huffy about it. And when she talks about him she says “that boy” I know some of you will say “she’s your mom she’s trying to protect you” there’s a fine line between protective and controlling. Yes I may be young, and live under her roof. And yes the relationship is new. But what I do with my boyfriend isn’t her business and the only reason I told her about him and let him meet her is so she’d let us go out on dates. It’s like she doesn’t want me to be happy because she doesn’t have a boyfriend and got dumped recently. I love my mom but she makes it hard to love her when she blows up at little things. Of course she’s got a right to know when I’m going out and know when I’m coming home and if I’m not coming home. But I’ve already let her in to so much of my relationship and it’s like she’s trying to tell me how to be in a relationship. And for the record we’ve had sex. And he’s still very much with me. I’m not the type to wait till marriage or wait years to do that. I’ve already lost my virginity and it’s not as special as it used to be. Granted I don’t hoe around and sleep with every guy I meet but she’s so unreasonable about everything I do.