Relationship help and life wise

Before I start off with this I don’t want criticism I am looking for help such as advice and not judgement

So Basically I been with my boyfriend since two year and 8 months now we are both in same college back then in high school he cheated on me thru many times first with girls then I found out he was texting guys and then I found out couple months ago he used his dog to eat his butthole out I been sad about that bc I love animals and seeing that is like how could he get I’m still with him bc I love him and he helps me out a lot with my depression. When I was 10 I was sexual harassed and ever since then I am not the same now my bf has a study room for baseball and has to go there and needs to spend at least 2 hrs every week and he always wants to go in Thursday’s at 12 I don’t go to campus until 3:30 then from the study room he has baseball practice jealousy is killing me also I been diagnosed with anxiety and depression now the thing is idk I got to that level but I am not very open up anymore I keep my feelings inside bc I feel like people don’t care we have arguments and all he text is “ok” I feel like breaking up with him but I can’t bc I love him and I feel like now that I’m in college I won’t find no one and I’ll have to download tinder 😒 pls help me give me advice of what to do

We only hang out weekends

He cares more about college and baseball

He doesn’t want to talk about marriage or kids