I’m being over dramatic

My boyfriend started becoming friends with the guys he works with. But every single day he doesn’t go a day without mentioning their name and doing something with them. Or he’s gone at work calls me and tells me his friends are wanting to go play basketball at 10:30 at night and they make future plans. Every time I turn my back he’s looking at videos of them and when he’s driving he’s texting them in a group chat. After not seeing him all day he came home after hanging out with them and went straight to the video game. I don’t want to be that girlfriend that keeps him from his friends and I don’t care if he hangs out with them. But every day he’s saying a plan they want to do and if I want to do it with them and it’s annoying. A lot has to do with he did not have a job for months and months so we didn’t go on dates. I didn’t even get a birthday present. I wasn’t taken out. But he expected me to do my part and give him head. And now he’s got a job which I’m glad but it sucks that he hasn’t asked me if I’d like to go do something instead it’s what he’s gonna do with them all the time. When I mention this he takes it as Im attacking him and making him out to be the bad guy when really I just feel like I don’t exist sometimes and when he doesnt agree and tells me I don’t see why you’d feel that way he doesn’t even try to make me feel better. He acts like i’m the enemy. He says you just get upset when I have friends. No i’m upset bc all he does is play games with friends and plays hours of basketball daily with friends and I’m never asked If i would like to do something with just him. Then today is an emotional day because it’s my Nana’s birthday who past away and he got all mad at me because I didn’t want to go to his friends house and asked him if he could stay with me and he told me “Just keep me from my friends then” I just feel like everything I do or say is wrong. I’m probably being overdramatic.