Running into the ex

Ran into my ex last night for the 1st time in like 3 years. It was weird in that I sensed someone around, in a carpark and when I turned it was him... smoking a cigarette and pretending he didnt see me but looking over every so often. I was in the car with my kids and couldnt just leave. Awkward but then got even more awkward when he then went inside the shop to emerge with his new family. My daughter yelled out Look another family, as the place we were wasnt really a family place..... drew attention to us... His new mrs gave me a cold stare and I think she looked pregnant. Its been forever but seeing them/him sorta bothered me. Theres no feelings there im happy now and moved on but part of me thinks its to do with him giving her what he never gave me. Not kids but a chance at a real relationship.. he strung me along for 2 years in.secret。。just venting .... time goes quick bit not.all heals...