Argument after argument 🙄

I don’t want to blame the arguments on the pregnancy.

For three days straight, the fighting has been so bad....

I’m only 4 weeks. That’s it. And out of NOWHERE, I swear we hate eachother...

It sounds dumb, I know. “Only three days, just give it time.”

But y’all don’t understand. It’s like the test said positive. We were so excited for 24 hours. Lovey, happy, thinking of names. Then boom. 36 hours later, so incredibly hateful and resentful all we do is fight. He’s being rude to my animal & as pay back I want nothing to do with HIS animal (that I’m allergic to anyways.) I just want a minute to breathe. There’s arguments aren’t little... maybe they are but to me they aren’t.

A few months ago, he was an alcoholic. He quit drinking alcohol all together except he would do it maybe once a month for one night only. For the past 3 days, he’s been having a few beers before bed.

I had to stop smoking cigarettes completely so he told ME (I didn’t ask him to) that he would also try hard to stop smoking. He used to smoke a pack a day, just find out that lately he’s been smoking a pack and a HALF a day. I asked him to stop smoking in the house. He’ll go into the bathroom and smoke still. We’ll be in the car together and he’ll light one up. So many times have I nicely said “please don’t smoke around me, it’s rlly not good for the baby nor me since I’m trying hard to not smoke” he’ll say “oh I’m sorry baby let me just finish this cigarette” ... every single time.

Tonight when he sat down with his beer, we were making our couples shirts to do photos to announce the baby, and I looked over and saw him open it. I put down the shirts and stencil and simple said, “can we talk about the beer every night thing?” And immediately he got so mad...

“It feels like your telling me what to do already”

I was taken back because he’s always been the sweetest guy I’ve know (towards me, he’s a dick to everyone for no reason.)

I simple said “I was just gonna ask how long you planned on doing this for??? What, am I supposed to wait for you to finish a fucking beer then Hand you our baby??”

He scoffed at me and said “Ya know what. I’m tired of fighting.”

And stormed off. An argument that fast. I walked off too. I went straight into the bathroom and ran me some bath water to relax (I hate being stressed.)

Immediately he’s bagging on the door, “QUIT IGNORING ME” “there ya go again getting on ur phone” “quit telling ur friends about this because it’s none of their business”

Y’all I don’t have many friends 😂😂😂 they are all in my home town while im 40 minutes away & we drifted forever ago.

I’m just so STUCK. I’m tired of fighting, I’m so tired of it. But it’s to the point where he’ll come knock on the door 10 minutes later saying “I’m sorry I’m tired of fighting I love you” and I don’t even want to say it back. I want throw something at him 🙄🙄🙄 why don’t men understand?????

I’m not the only one who made this baby. So why should I get ALL of the consequences and he’s just living life however the fuck he wants 🙄🙄🙄 advice plz.