I really need help...

My husband was deployed for 8 months. During that time he would get distant from me and say things weren’t working out between us. Which came as a shock to me since our first child was just born and this being his first deployment, I get the stress of leaving everything. Things would be good then get bad because he would go distant. He did write two of his ex’s during deployment to apologize for how things ended and he wished they could be friends.

When I found out from one ex telling me and showing me I got so hurt and upset at him and told him to give me space. He told me when we talked again that he will write them and tell them that he didn’t mean what he said. So he did and then things got better again...

I think it was 2 weeks before he got home from deployment he started getting distant again. And he didn’t know if he wanted to be married anymore. So I gave him space and didn’t talk to him. He cane home and things got better and said he wants to work through everything. Since we were arguing because I couldn’t take the back and forth.

We go to his hometown two weeks after he gets back. He got plastered with his friends while I was at the hotel with the wives watching my child and they were watching theirs while the husbands went out to drink more. My husband took his ring off and was flirting with a girl. His buddy called me and said to come there so I did and when I got there I saw him hugging on some chick and it looked like they had just kissed. I fuckin punched him... I started yelling and saying what the fucking hell is this and looked at the girl and said you know he is married right!? With children!?! And she looked shocked. He told me to get the fuck out of there. From then on to three weeks after that he was wanting a divorce but he said he wanted to go to counseling with me. Things got a shit ton better but I cannot help the fact I can’t get over him taking his ring off at the bar and all over some girl calling her hot and beautiful. He said he didn’t know who she was and that he really doesn’t remember being with a girl... Sooo...

My question is... should I stay if I keep thinking about that night? We have been trying so hard to make things work but when he’s gone in training my heart just breaks sitting here at home with our baby I just cant get over what happened. Any help or advice or answers would be very helpful. Thank you 💋❤️🥰

Edit we have done marriage counseling and the counselor told him to grow up and realize you have a wonderful wife who is fighting for your marriage. After that he has been trying to do the right things. But I still can’t get over the hurt and pain from his hometown bar.

Update: I told him that I don’t think I can handle this pain anymore and that I think it would be best to go our separate ways. I forgave him but I can’t forget what he did to me. Grr I’m crying and this sucks.