Will I be limited on my ability to deliver vaginally?

I'm having some pretty bad anxiety about the whole childbirth to come. I'm 33 weeks and considered obese. My OB has not shown any concern whatsoever about it, she says I'm doing great in fact.

But I can't help but worry because I dropped 120 pounds before getting married and I gained almost 60 before getting pregnant and another 37 pounds so far in the pregnancy. I used to be really strong and even in good shape when it comes to cardio. I'm back to where I started. Weak and fat and out of breath going up one flight of stairs.

On top of being afraid of my ability or, lack there of, I know I am going to be very exposed in the delivery room and that even freaks me out. I don't even feel that comfortable wearing just a robe or even a tank top in front of my husband.