Postpartum doula/night nanny

Nicole • Mama to Matilda + Betty 💕

Has anyone ever used a postpartum doula or night nanny to help in the nighttime hours after giving birth? I just had my first child last week and am trying to think proactively to protect my sanity and sleep. I have suffered from anxiety for several years now, and I have always found that lack of sleep makes it worse. I know that I am early in on healing being 8 days PP right now, but the crying jags and feelings of sadness and anxiety are already hitting hard. My husband kind of scoffed at the idea (he does great functioning on little to no sleep), so it makes me second-guess using one. We’re not rich by any means, but I could make it work to hire one for a few nights a week for the first month or so, just to try and get a handle on things. My mom passed away a few years ago, and my in-laws are good people but are still working full-time. Anyone have experience with this, or know of someone who used these services?