Maternal GBS infection and oral antibiotics

Eleni • Married. Mom & Stepmom ♥️

Hi everyone,

So I’ve tested positive for GBS in my urine twice now, the last time being this week at 34 weeks, and apparently this last draw the numbers were even higher.

This apparently is different than just detecting it with the vaginal swab and being a carrier because they’re starting me on oral antibiotics now along with needing the two bags of penicillin during labor.

Anyone else experience this? I made the mistake of googling GBS infection and the risks include still births and late miscarriages. So I’m obviously a little unsettled... :/

*just to clarify: I’m asking specifically about women who have tested for GBS in their urine and started on oral antibiotics, not just being GBS+ because I know that’s not a big deal and you just get the antibiotics during labor.