Glow indicates ovulation peak and instead my period shows up.


Helloo!! Girls

I am trying to convince my first baby, I am 35 years old and we have been trying for almost 3 years.

I went to the OBGYN and he told me I had a polyp and that could be causing me some abnormal bleeding between periods, and he had to do surgery which I didn't do it because at that time we didn't have the money, and we still don't, well, long story short, the curious thing is I've been having my period regularly, but when I track with Glow, this is like the third time on my calendar says is my peak ovulation day, but instead my period shows up, or like medium bleeding for couple of days and then once my ovulation window ends, it stops, and it comes again when Glows indicates me my period is initiating.

My doctor said that because he saw some cysts in my ovaries also that would be causing the bleeding as well.

Can anybody tell me if something similar had happened to you?