LO Won't lay on back


As of this week our LO hates to be on her back (she's livid during diaper changes and instantly rolls over when put her down on Her back to play), we assumed it was just gas, but has gotten worse. She just started trying to sleep on her tummy at night too, but can't seem to figure out how to put her head sideways so struggles, head bobbing around or just puts head straight down into the mattress(which freaks her parents out).

She's been pretty consistent with daily bowel movements, she's been to the chiropractor 2 times in the past 2 weeks(for help with jaw tightness after a lip tie removal months ago), had rotovirus and tdap shots Monday, I haven't changed my diet, is burped after feedings- can't figure out what's going on.

She generally hates gas- but has known how to roll over for a while, so this is new...anyone else experience this behavior??