Possible pregnant again?

I’m 7 months PP. I’m breastfeeding my baby and I haven’t gotten my period back yet. I get cramps every couple months and think my period is finally coming back but so far nothing yesterday I had some cramps and ignore it husband and I DTD last night kinda crazy/roughly I guess you can say lol and afterwards I went to pee and saw the slightest bit of pink blood I thought okay my period is coming back now. But today nothing no period. I’m cramping and I’ve been extremely exhausted and a bit nauseous. So now I’m thinking maybe I could be pregnant and maybe last night was implantation bleeding or something. Idk we always have sex unprotected so it’s very possible. I took a test about 2 weeks ago and it was negative. Idk what to really think or why I’m so crampy it’s so hard to even know if I’m ovulating or not since I have no periods. Any insight?