

Well we finally got married after 5 years and 2 kids. We we got back from our honeymoon and were so excited to not have to worry about planning anything else for a while and just relaxing. Not even two weeks after our wedding I find out I'm pregnant again. There goes that plan 🙄 I'm still kinda in shock and dont know how I feel right now (I found out two days ago). Its gonna be our last one. We have been wanting a boy for so long so fingers crossed🤞🏻 but its exciting and scary. My girls are 4 and 1 right now. I haven't told anyone except my sister in law and my one friend who watches my kids so I have to say it somewhere cause I have to wait until November 🤦🏼‍♀️😭 so here is pictures of our family and a bridal because they turned out so good 😂