!! I lost feelings !!

So i’ve been dating this guy since June and I never really felt comfortable around him I was just trying to force myself to like him and I kept telling myself I did. I am now starting to realize I don’t like him or how he treats me. He says he loves me about 20 times a day and I think it’s to early in my opinion I haven’t said it back and when he does say it he’s super aggravating about it and makes me uncomfortable. Honestly i’m surprised he hasn’t gotten a hint yet. While we were dating I did get really close with his friends. I don’t want to break up with him bc I feel like I won’t be apart of their group and it makes me sad bc I really enjoy myself when i’m with his friends. I don’t know how to break up with him or even if I should. I do think i’ve over thought this a lot and not going to lie i’ve cried a lot bc I just don’t know what to do, I wish I could just be fiends with him but I don’t know how to break up with him??