Baby shower backlash


So first of all I’ve been told that it’s selfish of me to have a baby shower as this is our third baby in 4 years. (Our oldest is 3 [boy] and our next is 16 months [girl] )

HOWEVER- both of our other babies were June babies, and I believe every baby deserves to be celebrated.

Then on top of that I said that gifts were not required. But if someone wanted to get us something we ask that it be diapers (Huggies or pampers), wipes or gentle ease formula. I’ve been told it’s rude to specify which brand of diaper. 🙄 I’m sorry I just don’t like the luvs 🤷🏻‍♀️ and that I shouldn’t even keep formula in the house so I have a better chance at breastfeeding successfully, without being tempted to supplement. 🙃🙃 like okay. I understand that (kind of) but we don’t qualify for wic anymore, and IF breastfeeding doesn’t work out (it hasn’t for our other two kids) we have some formula on hand. And that shits expensive 😳

Sorry I needed to rant.