33w 4d — aches in back and belly

I had a 4D ultrasound last week and the lady said my baby has barely any room! She said she wouldn’t be surprised I naturally went into labor before 40 weeks (Idk how common that is, I didn’t ask). When I had my period, I would get these pains in my lower back almost like knots and in my lower belly. I’m having those same feelings now in the same places. I’ve been getting random hot flashes, as well. Am I having BH? Has anyone went into labor before 40 weeks? I really want to go into labor naturally, and not be induced, but I’m wondering if my doctor will suggest that I be induced earlier..?

What are some ways to get comfortable (other than having my baby 😂)? I can’t get comfortable sitting, laying down, or even walking around. My stomach just aches 😭