Scheduled C-section vs induced natural

So, my doctor has given me the option to choose wether I want a scheduled c-section, or to be induced and try natural. A little background:

In Jan 2016 I was in a horrible car accident. Of the injuries I sustained, I was left with life long back/neck injuries/problems. I have more bulging discs than not bulging throughout my entire spine. I have several torn ligaments in my neck that will never heal. My tailbone rotates. And I have straightening of my cervical spine, among others. I had a hard recovery and spent a lot of time on medications, and went through years of therapies and painful procedures. I’ve learned to live life pretty unrestricted, I believe my body in those areas has gotten stronger and the pain is significantly less than a couple years ago- although it still affects me daily.

Fast forward to pregnancy. My OB is fully aware and has been since before I was pregnant of my injuries. As time has progressed my back pain has gotten significantly worse. Mostly mid back below the shoulders and also upper abdomen pain below the breast. After ruling out gallbladder, he said its musculoskeletal and severely inflamed. I also have low back pain as well. He mentioned these areas of pain will make delivery harder.

He has told me that it is my choice. He said things that are just possibilities that could happen are that I may have a hairline fracture in my pelvis we aren’t aware of, that could show up during labor, that my tailbone could rotate, or that it will just be too painful or I won’t have enough back/neck strength to push. These are all hypotheticals. He said that at this point he is not worried about the baby being in danger, but is concerned of my health and the possibility of re injuring my back, or a problem arising and having to do an emergency c-section anyways. He would not tell me what to do, but left it up to me. If I want to attempt natural- he would induce me so he is on call, and we could opt for a c-section at anytime if there are any problems or it’s too much for me. Or we could just do a scheduled c-section.

I’m so torn. I want to try natural. Since the baby isn’t in danger I feel like I’m taking the easy way out by choosing a c-section (even though I know that’s not the case) but I also could go through natural only to end up in an emergency c section. I would be ok with whatever if he told me what to do, but I’m struggling with the decision. I know there are pros and cons to both, and I know recoveries are different for both. I’m also very small. I’m 5’4” and 104lbs pre pregnancy.

Can anyone give any advice? Those who have had natural vs a c section? Recovery? I don’t want to injure myself and then have to care for a newborn, but I also know c-section recovery is tough.

Thanks in advance!